
Latest version: v0.0.26

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- Updated setup files to hopefully fix installation issues on Anaconda


✨ Enhancements
Unified Diagnostic Services support!
- UDSMessage base class for all service requests & responses
- Use fromMessageData() or fromSID() to automatically generate subclass instance
- Requests & responses broken out into separate classes, e.g.:
- DiagnosticSessionControlRequest class
- DiagnosticSessionControlResponse class
- Not all services have been added yet. More to come!
- Services:
- DiagnosticSessionControl (0x10)
- ECUReset (0x11)
- WriteDataByIdentifier (0x2E)
- CommunicationControl (0x28)
- Authentication (0x29)
- TesterPresent (0x3E)
- ControlDTCSetting (0x85)
- ResponseOnEvent (0x86)
- LinkControl (0x87)
- ReadMemoryByAddress (0x23)
- ReadScalingDataByIdentifier (0x24)
- UDSMessages can be used as arguments for `J1939Message.data`


✨ Enhancements
- Added a check for `float` inputs to sanitize_msg_param()
- Will convert the value to an int and return bytes based on that


✨ Enhancements
- added generateNetworkManagmentName function to J1939.py
- Generates J1939 Network Management Name for `protectJ1939Address()`


✨ Enhancements
- Added `vendor` property to RP1210VendorList
- Added `api` property to RP1210VendorList
- Added `device` property to RP1210VendorList
- Added `addVendor()` function to RP1210VendorList
- Added `getAPIName()` function to RP1210VendorList
- `setVendor()` in RP1210VendorList now can take `RP1210Config` objects as argument
- Will add new vendor to list if it doesn't already exist in the list.
- `setDevice()` in RP1210VendorList now can take `RP1210Device` objects as argument
- Added `__int__()` to RP1210Device (returns deviceID)

🗿 Miscellaneous
- Moved magic methods to top of class for a couple classes in RP1210.py
- More complete tests for RP1210Device and RP1210VendorList (didn't really affect coverage)
- (examples) Uncommented function calls in RP1210VendorList.py to test newly added functions getVendorNames(), getAPINames(), getDeviceIDs()

✔️ Closed Issues
closes 68, closes 86


- `setBlockingTimeout()` function in `RP1210Client` now correctly sends the setBlockingTimeout command.

Thanks go to BenGardiner for the fix!

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