
Latest version: v1.50.0

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Details of this change [at issue 103](https://github.com/tebelorg/RPA-Python/issues/103#issuecomment-586667755), to upgrade to this release, `pip install rpa --upgrade`


Details [at issue 101](https://github.com/tebelorg/RPA-Python/issues/101) and [an example here](https://github.com/tebelorg/RPA-Python/blob/28e32e1c19a292f6a343baf47a1f0e234f3e61ab/sample.py#L59). To upgrade to this release, `pip install rpa --upgrade`

Details of this change at issue https://github.com/tebelorg/RPA-Python/issues/100, to upgrade to this release, `pip install rpa --upgrade`


Transitioning the project to use a new package name `rpa` to make RPA capabilities more accessible to Python users and support the decentralisation movement. To upgrade to this release, `pip install rpa`

In a truly decentralised world, there is no need for branding because the main bakery you go to is your local bakery, and that shop doesn't need a brand name to differentiate it from competitors. That bakery also obviously isn't some global chain of bakeries with a global brand name. This change is similar to the decision to drop the logo for this project and simply use a snake emoticon.

Next for consideration is changing the project name from `TagUI for Python` to `RPA for Python` to further remove any branding and shape this project to be the default RPA package for Python users. My vision for it is to be one of the many tools in a Python user toolbox to build amazing stuffs.


[36](https://github.com/tebelorg/TagUI-Python/issues/36#issuecomment-570771041) - improved pack() to include vcredist_x86.exe (MSVCR110.dll) dependency for Windows


94 - add update() to update package and TagUI files without internet


93 - fix Chrome not closing after execution, probably due to Chrome update

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