
Latest version: v0.6.3

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Not secure
- Authenticated view that ties in with Django's
`auth <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth>`_ system
- Added unicode unit test cases to verify that RPC4Django supports
unicode (it does!)
- Added `authenticated demo site <https://rpcauth.davidfischer.name>`_
(user = pass = rpc4django, self signed certificate)
- Improved the documentation stylesheet


Not secure
- Provided a workaround for the bug relating to
`Django Bug 6681 <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6681>`_.
- Provided the settings.py option :envvar:`RPC4DJANGO_RESTRICT_REST` which
forces RPC4Django to not attempt to convert any of the method summary
docstrings to restructured text.


Not secure
- Fixed a serious bug where RPC4Django relied on
``request.META['CONTENT_TYPE']`` to be set by the web server
- Added generator tag to the template with RPC4Django and the version
- Built out the example better so that it could be deployed as a
`demo <http://rpc4django.davidfischer.name>`_ without modification
- Improved JSON output formatting to be consistent with
SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher's XML output


Not secure
- Improved unit testing including adding support for
`testing views <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#making-requests>`_
- Fixed a minor bug involving the incorrect use of ``xmlrpclib.Fault`` which
was causing some errors to be reported with the wrong error message
- Fetched the URL for the simple method descriptor using
`reverse() <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/#reverse>`_
- Enabled testing an RPC method directly from the method summary
- Fixed some failing unit tests on older python versions


Not secure
- Improved documentation by integrating
`reST <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html>`_
- Allowed reST markup in rpcmethod docstrings
- Fix easy_install problems related to django templates
- Tested version compatibility
- Allowed analyzing post data when content-type cannot tell whether the
data is XML or JSON


Not secure
- First version of RPC4Django

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