[changed] Makefile pypi upload switched to using twine
[added] data queues separate from task queues, see help(rpqueue.Data) for help
[changed] docs will now live at Github on Github pages (and will automatically
[added] visibility timeout to tasks (tasks can auto-retry, and self-spew into a
shared deadletter queue)
[added] docs and examples of using data queues, deadletter queues, and
visibility timeouts
[changed] docs are now alphabetically sorted
[fixed] you can now use any version of the Redis client, we auto-detect and use
the right syntax for commands (like setex, zadd, etc.)
[changed] new queue interfaces (data queues and visibility timeouts) use Redis
internal time to keep consistent
[changed] Redis with Lua support is a hard requirement now and going forward.
Data queues and visibility timeouts rely exclusively on them, and are
unusable without them. Stick with 0.27.1 if you don't want to use Lua.
[sponsored] the above changes to rpqueue were sponsored by hCaptcha.com, and
they received a perpetual Apache 2.0 license for their sponsorship.