
Latest version: v0.8.4

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* Travis CI fixes. Thanks Steven Kryskalla!
* Modified default logging configuration. You can pass in the `-v` or `--verbose` argument
to `rqscheduler` script for more verbose logging.
* RQ Scheduler now registers Queue name when a new job is scheduled. Thanks alejandrodob !
* You can now schedule jobs with string references like `scheduler.schedule(scheduled_time=now, func='foo.bar')`.
Thanks SirScott !
* `rqscheduler` script now accepts floating point intervals. Thanks Alexander Pikovsky!


* IMPORTANT! Job timestamps are now stored and interpreted in UTC format.
If you have existing scheduled jobs, you should probably change their timestamp
to UTC before upgrading to 0.5.0. Thanks michaelbrooks!
* You can now configure Redis connection via environment variables. Thanks malthe!
* `rqscheduler` script now accepts `--pid` argument. Thanks jsoncorwin!


* Supports Python 3!
* `Scheduler.schedule` now allows job `timeout` to be specified
* `rqscheduler` allows Redis connection to be specified via `--url` argument
* `rqscheduler` now accepts `--path` argument


* Scheduler key is not set to expire a few seconds after the next scheduling
operation. This solves the issue of `rqscheduler` refusing to start after
an unexpected shut down.


* Support `StrictRedis`


* Scheduler related job attributes (`interval` and `repeat`) are now stored
in `job.meta` introduced in RQ 0.3.4

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