* Added support for custom `Job` and `Queue` classes. Thanks skirsdeda!
* You can now pass in a `Queue` object when instantiating the scheduler as such `Scheduler(queue=queue)`. Thanks peergradeio!
* Fixes a crash that happens when the scheduler runs for longer than sleep interval. Thanks chaffeqa!
* Added `job_description`, `job_id`, `job_ttl` and `job_result_ttl ` kwargs to `enqueue_at` and `enqueue_in`. Thanks bw, ryanolf and gusevaleksei!
* You can now run `rqscheduler` with `--quiet` or `-q` flag to silence `INFO` level log messages. Thanks bw!
* Scheduler will now enqueue jobs at exactly the defined interval. Thanks hamx0r!
* You can now run multiple schedulers at the same time. Thanks marcinn!