
Latest version: v1.6.0

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This should ensure that io.BytesIO, open, and aiofiles.open
are all acceptable where appropriate to backup() functions
without typing errors

This also bumps the pypi minor version to 2 to be more consistent with our github
releases which will now match the pypi version


Improves typing support. I also note that at some point there became a difference between the versioning used on Github releases and pypi, where the pypi releases are 1 minor version lower. This corresponds to v1.1.0 on pypi and at some point I may reconcile the two by bumping pypi's version


This version adds support for more complicated common table expressions, such as those with schemas or with materialization hints. This library needs to know the basics of this syntax in order to correctly direct requests to either a read endpoint or write endpoint.


This is no different to the previous version except for requirements.txt, which is used exclusively for the build chain


Improves command detection in CTE queries


Improves command detection (read vs write) when there are varied types of whitespace in the SQL string. Notably, this works better when there is a newline after the SELECT, such as in the following:

FROM persons

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