
Latest version: v0.7.71

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**Config fixes**

- Configuration example has been renamed to match the actual configuration file used.
- Configuration now automatically generated on startup if non-existant.
- Input() is no longer used. Config should be filled out manually.


**KKBox Support**
- Artist batching
- Multiple concurrent downloads

**Additional Changes**
- All configuration commands removed
- -b and -g flags removed, domain is now automatically detected


**Genie Tagging and Pathing**

- Fixed an issue preventing synchronized lyrics from being applied to MP3 files.
- Fixed an issue in which the timed lyrics setting was not respected in relation to MP3 files.
- Cleared genre tag on MP3 files as they contained artist names. _(Pre-tagged by Genie)_
- Fixed the broken encoding on MP3 comments.
- FLAC files are now re-tagged from the ground up instead of relying on Genie to pre-tag most fields. _(Genre field still relies on Genie to pre-tag)_
- Albums with multiple discs are now separated into disc folders.


**Bugs Changes**

- Warn user when FLAC unavailable due to streaming plan
- Append streaming plan to 'Login Successful' output.
- Track numbers in filenames are now padded.



- Handle OSError 36
- Pass on preview tracks


Fixed sanitization issue that prevented downloading.

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