- You can now set environment variables for the deployed content with the `-E` option.
These will be passed to RStudio Connect during the deployment process,
so they are available in your code whenever it runs within RStudio Connect.
Requires RStudio Connect version 1.8.6 or later.
- You can now deploy Quarto projects. This requires RStudio Connect release
2021.08.0 or later. Use `rsconnect deploy quarto` to deploy, or `rsconnect
write-manifest quarto` to create a manifest file.
- An `image` command line option has been added to the `write-manifest` and
`deploy` commands to specify the target image to be used on the RStudio Connect
server during content execution. This is only supported for the `api`, `bokeh`, `dash`,
`fastapi`, `notebook`, `quarto` and `streamlit` sub-commands. It is only
applicable if the RStudio Connect server is configured to use off-host execution.
- You can now deploy static content such as html and its associated assets with
`rsconnect deploy html`.