
Latest version: v0.20.1

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What's Changed
* Redesign Metadata Update / Disconnection management scenarios for Producers/Superstream-producers: Now in case of a metadata Update or if a disconnection happens the Producers/Superstream producers will try to automatically reconnect without the need to define the on_close_handler callback. See 174

Please be careful this is breaking change. In case your are defining the on_close_handler callback to manage disconnection on Producer side this is not valid anymore.


What's Changed
* First implementation to handle MetaData Update events: See and for further info by DanielePalaia
* Improvements on how locator connections are handled by DanielePalaia


What's Changed
* Implemented filtering functionality for stream. See and by DanielePalaia


What's Changed
* Fix overflow error during publish_encoding: See for further information by Gsantomaggio


What's Changed
* Improving send_batch performance: See 148 for further informations by DanielePalaia
* Redesign Frame encoding for Publish: See 149 and 133 for further informations by DanielePalaia
* Implement timeout on send_wait on_confirmation: See 82 for further informations by DanielePalaia

Overall the improvements in the Frame encoding optimizations and send_batch improved the performance (comparing to the v0.14.0 version) of around 15/20% on send and send_batch (Tests done sending 10million of messages)


What's Changed
* Implemented a new method reconnect_stream for (Superstream)Producer/(Superstream)Consumer in order to reconnect to a stream/partition after a disconnection. See 135 144 and 121 for further details (by DanielePalaia)
* Closing the locator connections of superstreams when not needed anymore. See 141 and 144 for further details (by DanielePalaia)
* Add external configurations to SASL connections. See 145 and 139 for further details (by Gsantomaggio)

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