
Latest version: v0.2.9

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- fixed: critical bug that caused any "set" function to throw an AssertionError
- fixed: critical bug in Torrent.start() and Torrent.stop()


- added: min_version argument in rtorrent.rpc.Method, this will ensure
the method will only be available when connected to an rTorrent
client that can actually support it.

- General
- RTorrent/Peer/Tracker/File/Torrent/Multicall now requires the actual
instance of RTorrent as and input instead of the XMLRPC
connection for that instance

- instance methods that communicate with rTorrent will raise
an exception if the said method is not supported by the version of
rTorrent you're connected to:
- will raise rtorrent.err.RTorrentVersionError if the method is newer
than the rTorrent client
- will raise MethodError if method isn't listed in RTorrent._rpc_methods

- Methods for RTorrent/Peer/Torrent/etc instances will now be created
dynamically based on the client version of rTorrent that it's connected
to (as opposed to the old way, which deleted the original Method instance,
and therefore was inaccessible to any future connection to rTorrent, even if
the rTorrent client supported said method. This will ensure that methods
aren't available if the client doesn't support it). You can use hasattr()
in order to avoid AttributeError being raised.

- rtorrent.RTorrent
- renamed: get_commands to get_rpc_methods

- rtorrent.rpc.Method
- added: is_available(). This function will check if the Method instance is
supported by the instance of RTorrent specified
- renamed: class_name to _class
- added: class_name, which is now just the name of the class, (_class.__name__)

- rtorrent.peer.Peer
- renamed: banned to is_banned; added support for boolean
- renamed: client_version to get_client_version

- rtorrent.torrent.Torrent
- renamed: incomplete to is_incomplete; added support for boolean


- TorrentParser now works with Python2 (Issue 2)
- Fixed a bug in which if dict keys within the torrent had spaces, those spaces would not be converted
to underscores when parsing the torrent, making the instance variables inaccessible (TorrentParser)
- Fixed an issue in which creating a File instance would fail (Issue 3)

- RTorrent
- renamed: get_download_rate to get_down_limit
- renamed: get_upload_rate to get_up_limit
- renamed: set_download_limit to set_down_limit
- renamed: set_upload_limit to set_up_limit


- Added: short delay before verifying if torrent was loaded to give rTorrent a chance to actually load it
- Fixed: a bug that caused load_torrent() to not see that the torrent was added successfully (Issue 1)


- Added: support for Peer rpc methods
- Added: update methods for Peer, Tracker, Torrent and File classes
- Added: int to boolean type casting on return values (only occurs if the Method's boolean flag is True)
- Added: poll method for RTorrent class
- Added: Multicall support (see rtorrent.rpc.Multicall)
- Added: minimum rTorrent version check

- Improvement: Completely rewrote how RPC methods are used

- Removed: list_to_dict function in rtorrent.common (no longer needed)


- Intial release

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