
Latest version: v0.0.2

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* (fill in)


* (fill in)


* guiding support
- guiding section in config, minchange and badchange parameters
* rts2-lastnightreport script changed to rts2-nightreport, and accept
some parameters (see rts2-nightreport --help to give you some idea;
and experince with them on production system)
* rts2-targetinfo accept some more parameters.
* it's now possible to send emails to interested users on those events:
- start of observation (start of imaginign, e.g. after telescope
- end of observation (after last image taken)
- first image with astrometry
- when all images from observation group are processed
- at the end of night observations
* Users can be assigned either to observations, or to group of
observations - e.g. you can get those emails for observation 1033 and
for all GRBs (even new one, which will be generated from GRB). It's
configurable on user level.
* FLI support


* small changes in DB
* focusing


* rts2block.cpp, rts2device.cpp - new communication library
* rewrite all drivers to new library
* more c++, particulary in planner (src/plan)
* SBIG USB support, SBIG LPT over urvc2
* OpenTLC (BOOTES-IR) support
* conditionals Makefile.am's, --with-xxx etc. configure.in


* database change - float8 instead of float4 for ra/dec in targets table
* planner - scripting, threading
* per-device scripting
* introduced C++ code, depends on stdlibc++
* fotometer support

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