
Latest version: v0.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Added official support for Python 3.6.
* Added keyword arguments to disable argument and/or return value conversion when calling an Objective-C method.
* Added support for (``NS``/``UI``) ``EdgeInsets`` structs. (Longhanks)
* Improved ``str`` of Objective-C classes and objects to return the ``debugDescription``, or for ``NSString``\s, the string value.
* Changed ``ObjCClass`` to extend ``ObjCInstance`` (in addition to ``type``), and added an ``ObjCMetaClass`` class to represent metaclasses.
* Fixed some issues on non-x86_64 architectures (i386, ARM32, ARM64).
* Fixed example code in README. (Dayof)
* Removed the last of the Python 2 compatibility code.



* Added ``objc_property`` function for adding properties to custom Objective-C subclasses. (Longhanks)



* Removed most Python 2 compatibility code.



* Dropped support for Python 3.3.
* Added conversion of Python ``enum.Enum`` objects to their underlying values when passed to an Objective-C method.
* Added syntax highlighting to example code in README. (stsievert)
* Fixed the ```` shebang line. (uranusjr)



* Fixed setting of ``ObjCClass``/``ObjCInstance`` attributes that are not Objective-C properties.



* First beta release.
* Dropped support for Python 2. Python 3 is now required, the minimum tested version is Python 3.3.
* Added error detection when attempting to create an Objective-C class with a name that is already in use.
* Added automatic conversion between Python ``decimal.Decimal`` and Objective-C ``NSDecimal`` in method arguments and return values.
* Added PyPy to the list of test platforms.
* When subclassing Objective-C classes, the return and argument types of methods are now specified using Python type annotation syntax and ``ctypes`` types.
* Improved property support.

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