
Latest version: v2.1.0

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In this update, significant new metrics have been added:
* a photometric calibration metric (contributed by erykoff)
* an incremental template metric (contributed by ebellm, building on prior work by the MAF team)
* color-slope metrics were added to capture short timescale visit timings
* updates to the DDF metrics, including coadded depths per night
* Stackers that provide T_eff and dayobs values have been added, and the corresponding T_eff metrics updated

Significant changes occurred in the plotting methods:
* plotters now return the matplotlib Figure objects, instead of just the "fig.num" integer values
* a new set of plotters has been added that uses skyproj instead of healpy to create plots (this is in support of `schedview`, but is useful for projections beyond those provided by healpy)

Code maintenance and updates:
* Use of palpy has now been replaced by astropy - rubin-sim now drops its dependency on palpy.
* Several pandas and numpy deprecation warnings have been addressed
* Default verbosity levels have been reduced
* "get_baseline" should now be called from rubin-sim, not rubin-scheduler, and the sim_baseline is downloaded with `rs_download_data` from rubin-sim.

Significant documentation updates have been achieved - please see for the latest version.

rubin_sim is maintained by rhiannonlynne, yoachim, and ehneilsen of the Rubin Survey Scheduling Team.
rubin_sim is an open-software project and we are grateful for the many contributions from our community.

What's Changed
* update import by yoachim in
* reduce default verbosity and fix deprecation warnings by yoachim in
* Switched interp2d to RectBivariateSpline by rjassef in
* Add rubin-scheduler to all_req.txt by ebellm in
* update rubin_sim.utils to rubin_scheduler by yoachim in
* Incremental template metric by ebellm in
* swap astropy for palpy by yoachim in
* Tickets/opsim 1122 by yoachim in
* OPSIM-1107 Documentation restructure by rhiannonlynne in
* OPSIM 1132 - fix CI by rhiannonlynne in
* Proper name of download testing data script by rhiannonlynne in
* OPSIM-1141: Plotters return Figure objects, not fig.number by rhiannonlynne in
* fix pandas dep warnings by yoachim in
* PREOPS-4949: Add stackers useful for schedview (Teff and dayobs related) by ehneilsen in
* Bugfix/opsim 1141 by rhiannonlynne in
* tickets/PREOPS-5023: implement sky maps with skyproj in maf by ehneilsen in
* Tickets/opsim 1144 by yoachim in
* color and slope metrics by yoachim in
* catch when astroplan sends a masked array by yoachim in
* OPSIM-1149: bugfix to add cols_req to new stackers by rhiannonlynne in
* OPSIM-1155: Update DDF metrics / metric_subsets by rhiannonlynne in
* U/erykoff/uniformity metrics by rhiannonlynne in

New Contributors
* rjassef made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


This release is a major update, as portions of this package have now been moved to [rubin_scheduler]( In particular:
* imports from rubin_sim.scheduler now become rubin_scheduler.scheduler
* imports from rubin_sim.utils now become rubin_scheduler.utils
* imports from rubin_sim.skybrightness_pre now become rubin_scheduler.skybrightness_pre
* imports from now *mostly* become imports from -- with the caveat that "rs_download_data" and the dictionary of data files relevant to only rubin_sim still are held in

Downloads of data should now include
`scheduler_download_data` as well as `rs_download_data` -- these two separate steps will download the necessary data for rubin_sim.

rubin_sim is maintained by yoachim, rhiannonlynne, ehneilsen of the Rubin Survey Scheduling Team.
rubin_sim is an open-software project and we are grateful for the many contributions from our community.

What's Changed
* tickets/PREOPS-4124 Support restricting the scheduler reward summary stats to a region of interest by ehneilsen in
* Address future Warning by rhiannonlynne in
* tickets/PREOPS-4503: replace nans in sky brightness array before IntRounded is applied by ehneilsen in
* tickets/PREOPS-4501: Do not delete old SkyModelPre attributes until we know if new ones are valid by ehneilsen in
* Use the same code for basis function & reward area by ehneilsen in
* lingering camel-snake-pep8 updates by yoachim in
* Tickets/opsim 1093 (split rubin_sim and rubin_scheduler) by yoachim in

**Full Changelog**:


This update include a bug fix in the Skybrightness Model, so that SEDs returned by `return_sed` do not contain NaNs.

There is also some extension of "constant weather" options in site_models that is useful for work we're doing to build dashboards to interact with the scheduler in real-time at the telescope, as well as modifications in the "example_scheduler" code that should simplify incorporating future updates to the scheduler configurations used in simulations. This includes moving the survey_start_date provided by `rubin_sim.utils.survey_start_date()` to the date used in the most recent (v3.2 and v3.3) simulations and updating the sample of skybrightness_pre files provided in `rubin-sim-data` to match this date.

There is also an update in the DDF generation for simulations, that corrects a small bug that could arise with the DDF scheduling when the survey start date changes.

What's Changed
* Remove six by rhiannonlynne in
* handle constant weather by ehneilsen in
* OPSIM-1086: remove obsolete code and simplify upkeep of example_scheduler by rhiannonlynne in
* Tickets/opsim 1084 by yoachim in
* update mjd0 to match v3.3 sims by yoachim in
* force wavelenth arrays to be idenical for twilight solar spectra by yoachim in

**Full Changelog**:


rubin-sim /rubin_sim is now available on pypi!

There are `rubin_sim_data` updates as well -
* skybrightness_pre contains a smaller set of default skybrightness files, to speed up download — the full skybrightness_pre files continue to be available via `rs_download_sky`.
* site_models has an updated almanac, extending 20 years into the future
* scheduler data contains a dust map, so now contains all of the data files necessary to set up the example_scheduler
Running `rs_download_data —versions` will confirm which of your data files should be updated to match the current version of rubin_sim.

**Full Changelog**:


Please note that there is an associated **rubin_sim_data** update in v1.3.0. The new data files include updates in the `throughputs` , `skybrightness` and `skybrightness_pre` files. To get up to date copies of these data files, please run
`rs_download_data --force --dirs throughputs,skybrightness,skybrightness_pre`
You can check your data versions at any time by running `rs_download_data --version` (and then update whichever files are necessary).

The throughputs update in v1.3.0 brings the throughput files associated with `rubin_sim` from the Rubin throughput from release 1.7 to 1.9. These new files correspond to as-measured mirror coatings, filter throughputs, lens coatings and move to a "triple-silver" set of mirror coatings. For more information, please check the README in the [syseng_throughputs]( repository. The skybrightness and skybrightness_pre files are updated to match these new throughput files.

Updates in MAF:
* the `dither` stackers have been removed, as dithering is now implemented within the FBS. Some data columns that were used for these stackers are no longer available, which further complicated maintenance of this code.
* a bugfix in the one-d slicer makes per-night counting metrics work as expected
* an update in stackers allow `rubin_sim.maf` to import even without any data files available on disk (previously at least the throughput data files were required)
* a bugfix in the `coadd` stacker (which allows coaddition of survey visits over a night) allows it to work even if the "note" column is passed in the data to the stacker
* pandas h5 files are now compatible with the run comparison functions, instead of only csv files
* the MAF m52snr function now calculates SNR according to equation 5 in the LSST Overview paper (having the effect of correctly calculating SNR for sources with SNR greater than about 15)
* the astrometric precision function now optionally accepts a systematic noise floor value (instead of users having to include this separately in their metrics)
* a y-band-only parallax metric has been added to the standard metrics calculated for astrometry

Updates in FBS:
* the default behavior for the filter-change function is now to swap `u` band with `y` band during the lunar cycle (previous behavior was to swap `u` with `z`)
* basis functions associated with the twilight (greedy and pairs_15) survey have been updated, reducing occasional rapid filter swaps that occurred in baseline_v3.2 and previous runs
* the m5 basis function has been updated to work as-expected with the provided skybrightness_pre "dark sky" maps (this ensures that even with changes in the dark sky values, the appropriate weights per basis function are retained)
* if the `conditions` MJD value is updated, the entire `conditions` object resets its value (previously, stale values could have been kept)
* a (non-critical) warning issued when calculating skybrightness near or during twilight time has been fixed

rubin_sim is maintained by yoachim, rhiannonlynne, ehneilsen, and tribeiro
rubin_sim is an open-software project and we are grateful for the many contributions from our community.


Between v1.1.0 and v1.2.0, some extensive updates in terms of docstrings, formatting, and imports took place. We’re working towards the documentation building without errors or warnings, although this is not there yet.

Code updates include:
* adding a sun altitude limit for scheduled observations
* updating the implementation of long gap (triplet) visits to only run for one blob per night, but also to work within the fbs implementation within the scheduler CSC module
* Observation outputs now include “Target” as well as “note” (note is intended to be scheduler information; target would be more general user-information).
* Survey names are more usefully/informationally generated automatically. This along with the previous may modify previous use of survey names
* The ‘example scheduler’ creates a default survey strategy similar to baseline_v3.2.
* rework the Bandpass class to remove automatic wavelength limit/wavelength step definitions: this is now a user responsibility to ensure they are appropriate, however it does facilitate using non-Rubin bandpass definitions more easily
* the generation of moving object detections is updated to use pre-calculated rough (daily) grids of observations, if avaiable (note the addition of “pre-computed orbits” to rubin_sim_data). There were also updates in how moving object detections are stored on disk, and thus read in MAF.
* the “uniformity” metric has a new generalized form, so can be used for more than just observation time/mjd.
* the “TGapsMetric” has been replaced by the “Gaps” metric, for a more quantitative rather than relative measurement of time sampling at various timescales (primarily a few hours to a day)
* Addition of a new “limited radar” metric set, which is a copy of a subset of metrics in ‘radar’ (aka “Science metrics”).

What's Changed
* add sun alt limit to scheduled observations by yoachim in
* docstring by yoachim in
* shorten install by yoachim in
* fix binning issue in glance batch by yoachim in
* patch long gaps so they can only execute once per night by yoachim in
* return copy, not ref to internal values by yoachim in
* update phot_utils to be able to read throughput files by yoachim in
* let all area be masked by yoachim in
* add extra info to note from triple detailer by yoachim in
* Tickets/opsim 1023 by yoachim in
* Ticket/opsim 1029 Set survey name and add target column to observations by yoachim in
* Update basis functions for v3.2 by yoachim in
* OPSIM-1033 : Add GeneralUniformityMetric by rhiannonlynne in
* make it possible to replace seeing, clouds, downtime in ModelObservatory by yoachim in
* Tickets/opsim 1040 update example scheduler by yoachim in
* Swap TGapsPercent to Gaps by yoachim in
* remove read for moving objects test by yoachim in
* OPSIM-1047 automatic backup URL for data by rhiannonlynne in
* Update parameter docstring format by parejkoj in
* Cleanup installation instructions in by parejkoj in
* example scheduler to any nside by yoachim in
* U/yoachim/isort and stats by yoachim in
* DM-39490: Cleanup docstrings, numpydoc conversion, other cleanups by parejkoj in
* DM-39490: Fix __all__ and remove useless imports by parejkoj in
* DM-39490 Yoachim by yoachim in
* U/leanne/dm 39490 by leannep in
* U/lynnej/dm 39490 by rhiannonlynne in
* readme update by yoachim in
* fix astropy deprecation warning by swapping get_moon to get_body by yoachim in
* Tickets/opsim 1060 by yoachim in
* U/yoachim/radar redacted by yoachim in

New Contributors
* parejkoj made their first contribution in
* leannep made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:

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