
Latest version: v4.21

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- **NEW**: Officially support Python 3.11.
- **NEW**: Use [`faust-cchardet`][cchardet] as the [original `cchardet`][cchardet-legacy] is no longer maintained and
does not build on Python 3.11+.
- **NEW**: Update required minimum versions for many of our dependencies.
- **NEW**: Add ColorAide dependency to manage colors.
- **NEW**: More precisely match mac window background colors without wallpaper tinting.
- **FIX**: Hide vertical separator on macOS as there is a visual glitch with vertical separators in the latest
wxPython and/or wxWidgets.



- **NEW**: Officially support Python 3.10.


- **FIX**: Pick up latest `wcmatch` (8.3), `bracex` (2.2), and `backrefs` (5.2) to acquire latest related bug fixes
related to file search patterns and regular expressions (if using `backrefs`).
- **FIX**: Update internal Markdown and extensions (`markdown` 3.3.4 and `pymdown-extensions` 9.0 and M) to ensure
latest changes and fixes for UI elements that render Markdown to HTML.
- **FIX**: Update to latest `chardet` (4.0).
- **FIX**: When chaining literal and regular expression patterns together, the mode could get stuck in literal mode
when applying replacements.


- **FIX**: Use latest `wcmatch` (8.1) which does a better job at bailing out of really large expansions. Patterns like `{1..1000000}`, while they used to bail according to the set limit, would hang a bit before they do. The whole point of bailing was to avoid hangs (if possible) if the intent was disallow such a large pattern now they assert much quicker.
- **FIX**: Fix internal documentation "Home" link. On certain pages, the link could be broken.


- **FIX**: Support info won't open.
- **FIX**: Small internal code improvements.


- **FIX**: Linux regression of date time control color due to recent color fix for macOS in 4.15.1.

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