
Latest version: v0.4.0

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- Menu class subclassing ListDict, a subclass of OrderedDict with additional insertion operations
- ``update`` method of Menu works like old parsing - consumes various nested Python containers and creates menus



- ``separator`` global for marking menu separators (in addition to None in context of a menu)
- Can now have separators in sub menus using either ``separator`` or None
- Key and menu title not matching doesn't raise an exception since the situation would occur if the title is changed dynamically
+ Instead, a warning in the log
- Refactored MenuItem such that it subclasses new Menu class
- Menu class created
+ Wraps NSMenu using __setitem__, __delitem__, etc.
+ Allows for main menu to be easily changed during runtime as it now uses Menu class instead of vanilla OrderedDict
+ ``clear`` method for MenuItem + other irrelevant methods inherited from OrderedDict raise NotImplementedError
- As result of refactoring, could simplify menu parsing for App



- Interval access and modification added to Timer objects
- timers function for iterating over timers
- Timer class now directly in module namespace
- More specfic case for trying callback with instance of App subclass as first argument
+ Point is to avoid catching a completely different TypeError, then sending 2 variables to a function consuming 1



- Parsing data structures for creating menus is now more robust
- Fixed MenuItem __repr__ for printing instances where no callback function has been given
- Added ```` to examples serving also as a test for new MenuItem changes
- Can now ``del`` MenuItems of submenus and it will be reflected in the actual menu
- ``add`` method for more convenient addition of MenuItems to a MenuItem's submenu
- Created module docstring



- world, hello! meet rumps.

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