
Latest version: v0.0.31

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- Release: version 0.0.12 🚀 [Frank Harrison]
- Merge branch 'chore/format_yml' [Frank Harrison]
- Chore(format-yml): reformats the .runem.yml file. [Frank Harrison]
- Chore(format-yml): adds yml files to the prettier command. [Frank

This means that runems own runem config is reformatted
- Merge branch 'feat/warn_on_bad_names' [Frank Harrison]
- Feat(bad-label): errors on bad labels. [Frank Harrison]

.. not a massive improvment but really helps clarify what you SHOULD be looking at when things go wrong, which is nice
- Feat(bad-func-ref-message): gives a better error message on bad
function references. [Frank Harrison]

Specifically when those functions cannot be found inside the file/module
that they're reference to by the .runem.yml
- Merge branch 'chore/pretty_json' [Frank Harrison]
- Chore(pretty-json): prettifies cspell.json. [Frank Harrison]
- Chore(pretty-json): adds jobs to use prettifier via yarn. [Frank

... currently this only targets json files
- Merge branch 'chore/kwargs' [Frank Harrison]
- Chore(kwargs): makes run_command 'cmd' the first thing as it cannot be
infered from the runem kwargs. [Frank Harrison]
- Feat(kwargs): moves to using kwargs by preference when calling jobs.
[Frank Harrison]

... jobs can then pass those kwargs down to the run_command
- Chore(kwargs): deletes 0xDEADCODE. [Frank Harrison]

This deletes deadcode that was left over from the move out of the lursight codebase


- Release: version 0.0.11 🚀 [Frank Harrison]
- Merge branch 'fix/warning_when_no_files_for_job' [Frank Harrison]
- Fix(warn-no-files): starts troubleshooting. [Frank Harrison]
- Fix(warn-no-files): updates README after deleting defunct jobs. [Frank
- Fix(warn-no-files): removes defunct job-specs. [Frank Harrison]
- Fix(warn-no-files): ads more information when a job isn't run because
of files. [Frank Harrison]

TBH this shows a problem in the spec method


- Release: version 0.0.10 🚀 [Frank Harrison]
- Merge branch 'docs/update_readme' [Frank Harrison]
- Docs: make readme more readable. [Frank Harrison]


- Release: version 0.0.9 🚀 [Frank Harrison]
- Merge branch 'fix/remove_lursight_env_refs' [Frank Harrison]
- Fix(lursight-envs): removes lursight envs from runem. [Frank Harrison]


- Release: version 0.0.8 🚀 [Frank Harrison]
- Merge branch 'chore/add_spell_check' [Frank Harrison]
- Chore(spell-check): disallows adolescent word. [Frank Harrison]
- Chore(spell-check): adds spell-check job for runem. [Frank Harrison]
- Merge branch 'chore/minor_improvement_of_log_output_and_report' [Frank
- Chore(report): puts the runem times first in the report and indents.
[Frank Harrison]

... also replaces 'run_test' with 'runem'
- Chore(logs): reduce log verbosity in non-verbose mode. [Frank

... but make it MORE useful in verbose mode.
- Chore(logs): further reduce spurious output. [Frank Harrison]


- Release: version 0.0.7 🚀 [Frank Harrison]
- Merge branch 'chore/typos' [Frank Harrison]
- Chore(typos): fixes a typos when warning about 0-jobs. [Frank
- Chore(typos): stops the cmd_string printing twice. [Frank Harrison]

on error with ENVs the command string was printed twice

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