What's Changed
This release includes the addition of `Event` and `EventSet` classes, to facilitate fetching events created by StrivePD users.
There are also some breaking changes to Project and Cohort resource classes:
* Metrics have been deprecated from the underlying API; all related SDK functionality has been **removed** in this release.
* The `code_name` attribute on the `ProjectPatientMetadata` object was renamed to `project_code_name`
* The `CohortPatientMetadata` class was **removed**; it serves the same function as `ProjectPatientMetadata`
* Update API docs links by gavin-philips in https://github.com/rune-labs/runeq-python/pull/54
* clear DBS names by gavin-philips in https://github.com/rune-labs/runeq-python/pull/55
* [SW-6282] Remove support for Project and Cohort metrics by cranti in https://github.com/rune-labs/runeq-python/pull/56
* Add functionality to query patient events (via GraphQL) by cranti in https://github.com/rune-labs/runeq-python/pull/57
* Bump version to release 0.15.0 by cranti in https://github.com/rune-labs/runeq-python/pull/58
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/rune-labs/runeq-python/compare/v0.14.1...v0.15.0