
Latest version: v5.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 663322 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Correctly handle ``custom_location``

* Preparing for log file rotation support

* Introduced ``runez.UNSET`` to distinguish between values not provided vs ``None`` (to avoid confusion)

* ``custom_location=`` instead of ``location=`` in ``runez.log.setup()``

* ``custom_location`` is now part of ``runez.log.spec``
(meaning it can be set via ``log.setup()``, or via ``log.spec.set()``, just like all other settings)



* Removed ``runez.State``, dryrun is now in ``runez.DRYRUN``

* Removed ``runez.debug()``, ```` etc, use ``runez.log.setup()`` then simply calls to ``logging.debug()`` etc

* Added ``runez.log.setup()``, a convenient way of performing typical logging setup in one line



* Added ``basename`` and ``prop``

* Added ``Heartbeat``, ``shortened``, ``testing``

* Refactored code to allow for better

* Simplified names::

JsonSerializable -> Serializable
run_program() -> run()
write_contents() -> write()



* Initial operational version

.. _PEP-440:

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