
Latest version: v0.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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[Code Changes](

* Code Quality: Auto-format code via black. [33](
* Code Quality: Passed pylint & flake8 checks. [28](, [#32](
* Code Quality: Removed all circular imports. [31](
* Documentation: Added argument reference to all task types. [30](
* Enhancement: Task `file_read` & `file_write` can now read file from local, FTP, zip, Git, GitHub. [29](


[Code Changes](

* New task type: `sql_row`. [26](
* New task type: `sql_exec`. [26](
* Deprecate task type: `sqlte3_exec`. [26](
* Deprecate task type: `sqlte3_exec`. [26](
* Support `` as synchronous method. [25](


[Code Changes](

* Built-In function: `call()`. [24](
* Built-In function: `datetime()` & `todatetime()`. [23](
* Docs: [integrate with apscheduler](
* Docs: [built-in functions](
* New task type: `flow_run`. [21](
* Enhancement: Task `file_write` supports writing to `/dev/stdout`. [20](
* Python API: `runflow()` supports loading from path, module, source, or a Flow object. [19](


[Code Changes](

* Added Runflow Specification. [18](
* Rewrote HCL2 parse & eval engine. [16](, [#17](
* New task type: `hcl2_template` (previous know as `template`).
* New task type: `bash_run` (previous known as `command`). [15](
* New block type: `import`. [14](, [#17](
* Load envvar `RUNFLOW_VAR_xxx` for `variable "xxx"`. [13](
* New task type: `sqlite3_row`. [12](
* New task type: `sqlite3_exec`. [12](
* New task type: `http_request`. [11](


[Code Changes](

* Unified vars. [10](
* New task type: `template`.
* New task type: `file_write`. [9](
* New task type: `file_read`. [9](
* New task type: `docker_run`. [8](
* Load hcl files via magic `runflow.autoloader`. [7](


[Code Changes](

* Command Task now supports setting `env`.
* Task explicit & implicit dependency.
* Detect acyclic task dependency and abort from running.
* Added entry point: `runflow`.
* Drop Python 3.6 support.
* Added GitHub Actions: unit-testing, auto-packaging.

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