
Latest version: v0.1.1

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What's New

Dashboard & Login
* New [resource dashboard]( and [login link](

* Support passing in `env_vars` and custom `working_dir` to Env resource (75)
* Better auto torch version handling for requirements.txt files
* Support "requirements.txt" auto file detection

Docs and Tutorials
* Updated [README](, check it out! (73)
* New transformers training [tutorial](
* New accessibility [API tutorial](
* Example code snippets for resource methods (74)


Factory Functions (67)
* Remove `load` parameter, instead will automatically try to load from `name` argument if that is the only argument provided
* Default `dryrun=False`

* Use `ondemand_cluster` instead of `cluster` for On-Demand cloud clusters


What's New

Replace gRPC server with HTTP
* gRPC installation is unreliable on Apple silicon, replace with HTTP for more seamless experience, and allow HTTP calls to Runhouse functions (e.g. outside Python) (62)

Torch Version Auto-Detection
* Support auto-detection and installation of correct torch version based on CUDA version (41)

Envs and Packages
* Better handling of local package syncing to remote systems (43)
* New Runhouse Env resource (54)
* Conda Env support (57)

Docsite Restructure
* Add Getting Started and Logging/Debugging sections (61)
* Improved tutorials: Add Data+Compute API Tutorials and Render Usage tutorials (66)

* Add `--yes`/`-y` option for interactive CLI login (53)
* Unit test refactors, with fixtures and pytest mark (59)
* Correctly sync local Runhouse version

* Replace `reqs` and `setup_cmds` in support for `env` (54)


* Save logs onto cluster, at `~/.rh/<cluster_name>-log.txt`
* Improved tqdm logging
* Add `load` parameter to factory functions
* Add `on_same_cluster` function to cluster class

* Split resource `.save` into `.write` (write data to dest) and `.save` (save to Runhouse RNS)

Bug Fixes
* Fix cross env sharing and re-loading remote functions
* Properly determine on_this_cluster; multigpu accelerate works again

* GHA login test flow


- Logout and improved secrets support
- Resource sharing updates (8)
- Better handling of function system paths, enables nested function calls (10)
- Create servers directory
- Add CLI support for restarting GRPC server

- Remove `.from_cluster` and `from_dest_folder` (14)

- Add more descriptions to Runhouse Architecture section
- Add API usage examples and docs to resource API pages (11)

- Add collect_env script, and templates for bug and feature request issues
- Lots of new [🎪 funhouse]( contributing opportunities -- check it out!


Notable Changes
- Add [Runhouse docs site](

BC-Breaking Changes
- Rename the following variables / classes
- send → function
- hardware → system
- fs → system
- url → path
- SkyCluster → OnDemandCluster
- Change dryrun default to False

Bug Fixes
- Small bug fixes in cluster and folder

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