
Latest version: v0.8.0

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- add KaTeX header to all docs

New Features (BREAKING)

- implemented norm_int functions and CohSum
This feature is designed to allow for the correct implementation of
normalization integrals. Thanks to Lawrence Ng for pointing this out to

Commit Statistics

- 4 commits contributed to the release over the course of 11 calendar days.
- 11 days passed between releases.
- 2 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Release rustitude-core v2.0.0 (190918d)
- Implemented norm_int functions and CohSum (a804178)
- Merge branch 'main' of (774152a)
- Add KaTeX header to all docs (e93d041)


- add KaTeX header to all docs

Commit Statistics

- 3 commits contributed to the release over the course of 11 calendar days.
- 11 days passed between releases.
- 1 commit was understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Release rustitude-core v2.0.0 (190918d)
- Merge branch 'main' of (774152a)
- Add KaTeX header to all docs (e93d041)


- finish documentation coverage (not quite full quality, but we can work on that)
- add documentation for almost everything
I haven't documented yet because it has some fundamental flaws pointed out to me by Lawrence Ng.
- finished documenting
- shortened some links
- write crate-level documentation

New Features

- added print_tree at CohSum and Model level
- add dataset reading error
- add parity between ROOT and Parquet reading formats
additionally adds the arc_lock feature to parking_lot and removes the Dataset::events method, which clones the whole dataset and might be misused by mistake.

Bug Fixes

- fixed failing docs
- change parameters in Manager.evaluate to be a slice rather than a vector


- <csr-id-e93d0412dd41b02387d49c9e1f6e9f294d0a5821/> add KaTeX header to all docs

New Features (BREAKING)

- implemented norm_int functions and CohSum
This feature is designed to allow for the correct implementation of
normalization integrals. Thanks to Lawrence Ng for pointing this out to

Commit Statistics

- 13 commits contributed to the release over the course of 11 calendar days.
- 11 days passed between releases.
- 12 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Fixed failing docs (d0da6de)
- Finish documentation coverage (not quite full quality, but we can work on that) (b18e3e1)
- Added print_tree at CohSum and Model level (82ae775)
- Implemented norm_int functions and CohSum (a804178)
- Add documentation for almost everything (04b99c3)
- Add dataset reading error (a155903)
- Add parity between ROOT and Parquet reading formats (4145ddc)
- Finished documenting (71181fc)
- Shortened some links (b8b46d8)
- Merge branch 'main' of (774152a)
- Write crate-level documentation (f337fdb)
- Add KaTeX header to all docs (e93d041)
- Change parameters in Manager.evaluate to be a slice rather than a vector (e018598)


- <csr-id-ce74dd1ee4867a2ca5a34d316b15dfb465a634c6/> bump python versions
- <csr-id-800db450c6743d409c44b1dff74263288d63d8c1/> bump python library version
- <csr-id-9d854af5046ac30aacc6c369716337a863b4279a/> bump python library version


- add description to py-rustitude

New Features

- added print_tree at CohSum and Model level
- add parity between ROOT and Parquet reading formats
additionally adds the arc_lock feature to parking_lot and removes the Dataset::events method, which clones the whole dataset and might be misused by mistake.
- additional API so python interactions with managers can actually modify the amplitudes they manage
- add RustitudeError and remove unwraps, error handling should work in python as well

Bug Fixes

- added + and * overload type hints
- register the proper methods for creating new Models and CohSums in PyO3
- add type hint for __version__
- change parameters in Manager.evaluate to be a slice rather than a vector
- change python crate versioning
- remove unsafe transmutes, they weren't working properly and probably aren't needed anyway
- fix py-rustitude dependencies
- readmes and licenses suck


- <csr-id-9089c84e481124ff764b24f42507ab14913fef07/> major move required to have rustitude function properly as a Rust crate. I set this up very wrong the first time

New Features (BREAKING)

- implemented norm_int functions and CohSum
This feature is designed to allow for the correct implementation of
normalization integrals. Thanks to Lawrence Ng for pointing this out to

Commit Statistics

- 25 commits contributed to the release over the course of 20 calendar days.
- 18 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Add description to py-rustitude (1e70cf3)
- Release py-rustitude v0.6.0 (48ae335)
- Bump python versions (ce74dd1)
- Added + and * overload type hints (d3dda39)
- Register the proper methods for creating new Models and CohSums in PyO3 (bc47cf1)
- Added print_tree at CohSum and Model level (82ae775)
- Implemented norm_int functions and CohSum (a804178)
- Add parity between ROOT and Parquet reading formats (4145ddc)
- Merge branch 'main' of (774152a)
- Add type hint for __version__ (0a04ca1)
- Change parameters in Manager.evaluate to be a slice rather than a vector (e018598)
- Change python crate versioning (7e07ac9)
- Release py-rustitude v0.4.3 (650568d)
- Release py-rustitude v0.4.3 (85fa50e)
- Release py-rustitude v0.4.3 (573e76a)
- Merge pull request 3 from denehoffman/python_reorg (467caac)
- Additional API so python interactions with managers can actually modify the amplitudes they manage (d2a94a5)
- Remove unsafe transmutes, they weren't working properly and probably aren't needed anyway (dba3b5b)
- Add RustitudeError and remove unwraps, error handling should work in python as well (6955773)
- Move all pyo3 code to the py-rustitude crate (9bcdb46)
- Bump python library version (800db45)
- Fix py-rustitude dependencies (b6c8e24)
- Readmes and licenses suck (174a6f5)
- Bump python library version (9d854af)
- Major move required to have rustitude function properly as a Rust crate. I set this up very wrong the first time (9089c84)


New Features

- add RustitudeError and remove unwraps, error handling should work in python as well
- update benchmark and itertools dep, which deprecated group_by -> chunk_by
- make Model::new public to allow for proper benchmarking, and add divan benchmark for basic kmatrix

Bug Fixes

- switch from divan to criterion because I don't trust the threaded benchmarks
- didn't need an extra pyproject.toml
- bump versions


- <csr-id-a306fc4c47acc701aae32104ea2e017d2a4f97cc/> add convert script and update benchmark to use a standardized test file

Commit Statistics

- 9 commits contributed to the release over the course of 2 calendar days.
- 8 days passed between releases.
- 7 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Bump versions (405ed0c)
- Merge pull request 3 from denehoffman/python_reorg (467caac)
- Add RustitudeError and remove unwraps, error handling should work in python as well (6955773)
- Add convert script and update benchmark to use a standardized test file (a306fc4)
- Merge pull request 2 from denehoffman/create_benchmarks (1297b92)
- Switch from divan to criterion because I don't trust the threaded benchmarks (6a67ab1)
- Didn't need an extra pyproject.toml (36236e5)
- Update benchmark and itertools dep, which deprecated group_by -> chunk_by (b495892)
- Make Model::new public to allow for proper benchmarking, and add divan benchmark for basic kmatrix (8b1eee7)

Bug Fixes

- bump versions


- Update

New Features

- add RustitudeError and remove unwraps, error handling should work in python as well

Commit Statistics

- 5 commits contributed to the release.
- 8 days passed between releases.
- 3 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Bump versions (405ed0c)
- Update (45107c4)
- Merge pull request 3 from denehoffman/python_reorg (467caac)
- Add RustitudeError and remove unwraps, error handling should work in python as well (6955773)
- Move all pyo3 code to the py-rustitude crate (9bcdb46)


- Update

New Features

- additional API so python interactions with managers can actually modify the amplitudes they manage
- add RustitudeError and remove unwraps, error handling should work in python as well
- update benchmark and itertools dep, which deprecated group_by -> chunk_by
- make Model::new public to allow for proper benchmarking, and add divan benchmark for basic kmatrix

Bug Fixes

- remove unsafe transmutes, they weren't working properly and probably aren't needed anyway
- pass model and dataset to manager as reference to avoid issues using the model later, might change the way the dataset is cloned in the future
- bump versions

Commit Statistics

- 11 commits contributed to the release over the course of 2 calendar days.
- 8 days passed between releases.
- 8 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Bump versions (405ed0c)
- Update (7867bc0)
- Merge pull request 3 from denehoffman/python_reorg (467caac)
- Additional API so python interactions with managers can actually modify the amplitudes they manage (d2a94a5)
- Remove unsafe transmutes, they weren't working properly and probably aren't needed anyway (dba3b5b)
- Add RustitudeError and remove unwraps, error handling should work in python as well (6955773)
- Move all pyo3 code to the py-rustitude crate (9bcdb46)
- Merge pull request 2 from denehoffman/create_benchmarks (1297b92)
- Update benchmark and itertools dep, which deprecated group_by -> chunk_by (b495892)
- Pass model and dataset to manager as reference to avoid issues using the model later, might change the way the dataset is cloned in the future (14359c9)
- Make Model::new public to allow for proper benchmarking, and add divan benchmark for basic kmatrix (8b1eee7)



- <csr-id-e4399efe07ea8e66d9769a067c55c72d9dc09c69/> this is no longer a python crate


- <csr-id-0e94ec45850cb6129924b2be27793a17c51b03c2/> get rid of extra git-files and media

Commit Statistics

- 3 commits contributed to the release.
- 2 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Release rustitude-gluex v0.2.2, rustitude v0.4.3 (0062542)
- Get rid of extra git-files and media (0e94ec4)
- This is no longer a python crate (e4399ef)

Bug Fixes

- update amplitudes to account for changes in core


- <csr-id-0e94ec45850cb6129924b2be27793a17c51b03c2/> get rid of extra git-files and media

Commit Statistics

- 3 commits contributed to the release.
- 2 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Release rustitude-gluex v0.2.2, rustitude v0.4.3 (0062542)
- Get rid of extra git-files and media (0e94ec4)
- Update amplitudes to account for changes in core (77054e3)


- update readme link
- Update (missed a spot)
- update readmes


- change Amplitude such that new makes a new Amplitude, add conversion traits to AmpOp and PyAmpOp, and fix amplitude! macro
- major move required to have rustitude function properly as a Rust crate. I set this up very wrong the first time


- get rid of extra git-files and media

Commit Statistics

- 6 commits contributed to the release.
- 1 day passed between releases.
- 6 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Get rid of extra git-files and media (0e94ec4)
- Update readme link (8824d4c)
- Change Amplitude such that new makes a new Amplitude, add conversion traits to AmpOp and PyAmpOp, and fix amplitude! macro (b08b3b8)
- Major move required to have rustitude function properly as a Rust crate. I set this up very wrong the first time (9089c84)
- Update (missed a spot) (27799fd)
- Update readmes (53c553d)


- Readmes and licenses suck (174a6f5)
- Release rustitude-gluex v0.2.1, rustitude v0.4.2 (3a45077)
- Major move required to have rustitude function properly as a Rust crate. I set this up very wrong the first time (9089c84)


Bug Fixes

- add package info into workspace


- merge rustitude-core to crates subdirectory
- more Cargo.lock and readme updates
- update Cargo.tomls
- move rustitude to crates subdirectory


- move rustitude into the crates directory and add to workspace

Commit Statistics

- 6 commits contributed to the release over the course of 1 calendar day.
- 6 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Add package info into workspace (740a018)
- Move rustitude into the crates directory and add to workspace (0973112)
- Merge rustitude-core to crates subdirectory (9617a27)
- More Cargo.lock and readme updates (64ec509)
- Update Cargo.tomls (78b96b9)
- Move rustitude to crates subdirectory (8f2f28c)


- major move required to have rustitude function properly as a Rust crate. I set this up very wrong the first time

Commit Statistics

- 1 commit contributed to the release.
- 1 commit was understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Major move required to have rustitude function properly as a Rust crate. I set this up very wrong the first time (9089c84)


- update links for rustitude-gluex readme
- update links in readmes


- <csr-id-9617a27322460b378fb022ef28561f31197fc86f/> merge rustitude-core to crates subdirectory

Bug Fixes

- need to set some dependency versions...
- need to set some dependency versions...properly

Commit Statistics

- 7 commits contributed to the release.
- 5 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Need to set some dependency versions...properly (ee48e40)
- Release rustitude-gluex v0.2.0, rustitude v0.4.0 (1369408)
- Need to set some dependency versions... (2495107)
- Release rustitude-core v1.0.0, rustitude-gluex v0.2.0, rustitude v0.4.0, safety bump 2 crates (23a8807)
- Update links for rustitude-gluex readme (93dc0d6)
- Update links in readmes (95f85ed)
- Merge rustitude-core to crates subdirectory (9617a27)


- update links in readmes

New Features

- update ExtendedLogLikelihood call signature to make num_threads optional and default to 1


- more Cargo.lock and readme updates
- Add rustitude-core to crates subdirectory

Commit Statistics

- 4 commits contributed to the release.
- 4 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Update ExtendedLogLikelihood call signature to make num_threads optional and default to 1 (ae5bd43)
- Update links in readmes (95f85ed)
- More Cargo.lock and readme updates (64ec509)
- Add rustitude-core to crates subdirectory (fa66ff1)


The refactoring details of this update got lost to automatic changelog generation... See the new examples for the updated usage. I realized that while I was constraining amplitudes by free parameters, the amplitudes would still be calculated each time they show up in a sum. This is inefficient, since we can just calculate all possible amplitudes once, cache the results, and then walk the execution tree using the cache. That's what this update does. As such, it refactors the `manager` and `amplitude` modules, moving a lot of the functionality of `Manager` to the new `Model` struct. There is a lot to do still, but now model construction from amplitudes can have an arbitrary number nesting sums and products, as well as unary operations like `real`, `imag`, and `norm_sqr`. These alone give all the functionality of the previous system, but it allows for some other nice things, like not having to specify `part` in the `Zlm` amplitude (just take the real or imaginary part using the provided method!).

All of this drastically cuts down on boilerplate code, and it's also much, much faster. I have been lazy making benchmarks, but in my testing this change gave me an ~18.5x speedup (3.7s to 200ms for some particularly complicated amplitude I made).

There is further potential to speed things up even more. We could, for instance, add an optional method to the `Node` trait which gives the gradient rather than the plain function evaluation. As long it's done properly for the individual amplitudes, it seems like it shouldn't be difficult to propagate it to the root `AmpOp` via the chain rule. This will probably be a focus for the next version. Most of the next version will be centered around testing and plotting results, as this really needs to be done. Currently, some of the activate/deactivate mechanics seem to have weird side-effects, and they might not work as intended.

Bug Fixes

- make add_submodule public


- <csr-id-f39aab03b7160ba3817614170d67bfcfdb22642b/> reorganize crate structure

Commit Statistics

- 2 commits contributed to the release over the course of 1 calendar day.
- 8 days passed between releases.
- 2 commits were understood as [conventional](
- 0 issues like '(ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

* **Uncategorized**
- Reorganize crate structure (f39aab0)
- Make add_submodule public (b71f07c)

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