
Latest version: v2.3.1

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* FIX: Bleson return correct data if get_data returns before desired mac is seen
* ADD: Enable debug logging from CLI
* CHANGE: Use struct to decode data instead of manual bitshift and rework parsing
* FIX: RuuviTag 3.x support
* ADD: Test adapter for emulating HCI communication from a file


* ADD: Bleson BLE adapter
* CHANGE: Use MAC from payload for white/blacklist if MAC not in advertised data
* FIX: DEVNULL initialization when using Python 2


* FIX: Missing module from released package


* FIX: Usage of bt_device parameter when opening the BLE connection
* CHANGE: Refactor adapters into own modules
* FIX: Blacklisting of non Ruuvitag devices
* FIX: Pin rx version to 1.x for Python 2 support
* FIX: RuuviTag-object


* Fix hcitool subprocess closing
* Fix data format selection
* Move broadcasted raw data handling to an own file
* Remove obsolete handling for r/ in Data Format 2/4 validate
* Add retry and exit program if hciconf reset fails


* Changed RuuviTagReactive's time-value from local to UTC
* Dataformat 5 to use mV instead of V
* Add data_format value to payload

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