
Latest version: v3.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Made `ScheduledObserver` thread safe
- Thread safe handling for `take_while` and `group_join`
- Removed dependecy on six (https://pythonhosted.org/six/)
- Added support for IronPython (by removing six)
- Aggregate is now an alias for reduce


- Aligning throttle type operator naming with RxJS and RxJava
- Added `throttle_last()` as alias for `sample()`
- Renamed `throttle()` to `debounce()` and added `throttle_with_timeout()` as
- Renamed `any()` to `some()`
- Simplified `sequence_equal()`
- Bugfix for `take()` when no count given
- Removed internal operator `final_value()` which did exactly the same as
- Added `to_iterable()` as alias to `to_list()`
- Added `throttle_first()`

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