
Latest version: v3.0.0

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- Ability to use the _availability_ endpoint. Now we aren't confined to getting the _cheapest_ flight each day - we can just get them all.
- This is useful if you want to do your own filtering on those flights, e.g. that fit your travel criteria.
- e.g. Depart after 19:00 on Fridays, or before 10:00 on Saturdays.
- Interestingly, I think the "cheapest" flights API now supports some nice new filtering types e.g. day of week, time of day and flight duration.
- I think I'll try to add support for these as keyword args in the next version.
- Ability to pass/override arbitrary `custom_params` in api methods.
- _Flight number_ to the `Flight` tuple.
- Added `destination_country` keyword arg to `get_cheapest_return_flights`.
- Improved logging and error handling
- Request exception now retry with expo backoff
- Much improved README covering existing and new methods

- With the addition of the _availability_ endpoint, I've decided to rename the existing methods
- This is to make it more clear what they're actually intended to do.

| Deprecated name | New name |
| get_flights | get_cheapest_flights |
| get_return_flights | get_cheapest_return_flights |

- Usage of the old methods will continue to work for now, but may be removed in a future release.
- For now, a warning will be shown once if you call the methods by their old names.


- Allow an optional argument to `get_flights` specifying a specific destination country code.

- Update repo URL so packages managers have a working source reference.



- Added a changelog :)
- Some airport utils (`ryanair.airport_utils`), that allow you to compute the haversine distance between two airports (by IATA code), or from a `Flight` object.
- Airport data in CSV format sourced from [a gist here](https://gist.github.com/chrisgacsal/070379c59d25c235baaa88ec61472b28).


- At _long_ last:
- Use up-to-date URLs for API endpoints
- Adapt to current API usage which doesn't require an API key, at least for rate-limited interactions.


- `get_flights`, `get_return_flights` now accept a `datetime` type, as well as string date in ISO format.

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