Besides reviewing the source code of nodes (NodeInstances) and their widgets inside Ryven, it is now also possible to actually edit a specific object's methods. More specifically:
- Existing methods can be customized (e.g. for debugging) and further methods can be added. (Note that changing a method actually means relinking the method call to a different method and references linked to the original method still point to the original one, not the customized one. I am looking for a way to change that but I am not entirely sure if that is possible.)
- All these changes apply to single instances instead of all objects of the same class.
- What can be written manually in Ryven is equal to what can be parsed in the metacode files (the same module environment is being simulated), so all in the object's metacode file additionally added classes, for example, can still be accessed.
- All this is accessible through an intuitive GUI in the source code preview area.
- All changes are temporary, they do not get saved with the project, so nothing can sustainably be broken. There is also a reset option for every customized class.
This is kinda ridiculous, I didn't think this was actually possible and so unlimited. And considering how unexpectedly useful the pure source code *preview* became, I am really excited about it.
*edit: there is a crucial package bug in the new val node when saving/loading a project which will be fixed in the next release.*