
Latest version: v1.0b2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Nothing changed yet.



.. Warning::
This release makes the use of ``s17.person`` optional. If your project
depends on such package, you should add the ``person`` extra to your
Buildout configuration or ``setup.py``. See package documentation for more

- Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish translations were updated.

- The User Profile portlet was completely refactored and will only work with
users and not with ``s17.person`` objects as it doesn't make sense.

- The Birthdays portlet was completely refactored. If ``s17.person`` is
installed, it will use the ``birthday`` field on the content type to
grab the upcoming birthdays using the Person catalog; otherwise, it will
look for a user defined ``birthday`` field on the MemberData tool.

- The package ``s17.person`` is no longer a hard dependency, but an extra



- Deprecate use on Plone 4.1; we will support only Plone >=4.2. [hvelarde]

- Rename package from s17.person.portlets to s17.portlets. [hvelarde]

- Add description field. [aleGpereira]

- Limit list of participations in profile portlet to five. [aleGpereira]

- Make results of white pages appear in a overlay. [aleGpereira]

- Improves birthday portlet [davilima6]

- Group birthdays by day and also sort them by fullname [davilima6]

- Add small portrait for each person with a birthday [davilima6]



- Fixed tests in get_participation function in person portlet [lepri]

- Added overlay in search person [lepri]

- Fixed query in person profile portlet [lepri]

- Adding test case for portlets with anonymous users. [aleGpereira]

- Improve the products translation [lepri]



- Set render view and template properly for anonymous users in portlets.



- Fixed package distribution. [hvelarde]

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