* Now ``s1etad`` is a package.
* Improved ``get_footprint`` methods:
- support for extended selection semantics (also accept the result of
a query as parameter)
- support for the ``merge`` option: now it is possible to request a
single "merged" footprint; by default the method returns the set of
footprints of all bursts
* New :meth:`s1etad.product.Sentinel1Etad.get_statistics` method.
* Added missing attributes to :class:`s1etad.product.Sentinel1Etad`,
:class:`s1etad.product.Sentinel1EtadSwath` and
:class:`s1etad.product.Sentinel1EtadBurst` classes.
* Removed :meth:`s1etad.product.Sentinel1Etad.xpath_to_list` method from
the public API (the private one is still available)
* Strongly improved KMZ export function.
- new dedicated :mod:`s1etad.kmz` module (providing the
:func:`s1etad.kmz.s1etad_to_kmz` function)
- removed the obsolete :meth:`s1etad.product.Sentinel1Etad.to_kml` method
* New methods to find points (and geometries) intersecting
the burst/swath/product footprint.
* New method and functions for direct and inverse geo-coding
(approximated algorithm)
* New Command Line Interface (CLI) for basic functions
(only "export-kmz" at the moment).
* Documentation:
- added instructions to install via conda packages
- added pointers to "stable" and "development" (latest) version of the