
Latest version: v2.11

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This change avoids looking for the path to the scratch files when starting with

s2m -c no_client

It does not affect anything if starting without the -c option.


A print statement needed to be updated for Python 2 compatibility.


This release works around a bug in Scratch. For the scroll block, Scratch did not always supply correct strings. For example, if you entered 'Hello Bob', Scratch would send 'Hello%20Bob'. This issue has been corrected.

This release also adds a version string to the s2mb.py that is printed on the console at startup.


This is a bug fix. The Scratch files were mistakenly left out of the distribution and are now included.


This release modifies the micro:bit script to fix an intermittent crash on the micro:bit. Other than the release number in s2m.py, no other changes were made.

v1.02 could not be uploaded to pypi, so we needed to bump the release number.


This release modifies the micro:bit script to fix an intermittent crash on the micro:bit. Other than the release number in s2m.py, no other changes were made.

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