
Latest version: v0.5.8

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Version Bug Fix list:
* 97 - Fix Concurrency Issue from version 0.3.3


Version Bug Fix list:
* 94 - Support for Python 3.10
* 89 - Bug fix with Smart-open new versions
* 87 - Bug fix for the configuration setup


* We moved from Travis to GitHub Actions for CI

Version Bug Fix list:
* 80
* 77
* 75
* 73
* 71
* 69


Version Bug Fix list:
* 65



This is a big version.

Basically we cleaned up our file object implementation and replaced it with [smart-open](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/smart_open)
A well known package that give us file object optimized for big files streaming to s3 service using boto3.

Version Bug Fix list:
* 64
* 61
* 58
* 55
* 39

Behavior changes:
* file object readlines instance method:
When opening a file in a not binary mode.
The behavior of this method is deferent between Python version and file read mode (binary or text).
For example please see the [test_read_lines_hint](https://github.com/liormizr/s3path/blob/master/tests/test_path_operations.py#L255) unit test
* file object write instance method:
From now we will see the Key in the Bucket only after closing the file object

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