- (25) Added support for the [Clarity Instruments API endpoint](https://d10e8rzir0haj8.cloudfront.net/5.3/rest.version.instruments.html):
- Added a new `Instrument` class
- Updated `StepConfiguration` (in `configuration.protcol`) and `StepDetails` (in `step`) to retrieve `instrument` related xml subnodes
- (24) Add a `files` property to the `Project` class
- (30) Fixed `workflow.enqueue()` setting `stage-uri` in generated XML if `stage` appears in the domain name
- (28) Removed dependency on `typing` for Python versions 3.5 and up
- Updated documentation:
- (27) The `StepProgramStatus` class documentation now more accurately reflects usage
- (29) The documentation of the `Stage` class has corrected to show that the `step` property returns a `StepConfiguration` object