
Latest version: v0.6.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Add Neil small aperture scan
* Add method to perform systematic deprojection (IGQU)
* Add App for differential pointing
* Fix bug in dealing with leap second correction.
* Allow python 3.5 & 3.6 (both code and Travis fixed)
* Allow image in interactive ipython to be shown
* Completely remove weave - never used in practice (use fortran instead for speed-up)


* Add HWP demodulation (in addition to pair difference) to estimate I, Q, and U from timestreams.
* Allow different nside (input vs output) to be used.


* Add ACT scanning strategy, and custom scanning strategy.
* Add link to the bootcamp in the description (`s4cmb-resources <https://github.com/JulienPeloton/s4cmb-resources>`_).


* Improve coverage and coverage tool.
* Simplify the scanning strategy module.
* Add App to study relative gain variation
* Allow to process channel-by-channel in tod2map to save memory!
* Update the default noise level to 5ish uk.arcmin.
* Add routines to simulate gain drifts.


* Fix bug in bolometer coordinates in the focal plane (it was mixed with pair coordinates).
* Allow routine in HealpixFitsMap to read alms files directly.
* Allow the mapping per detector pair to save memory.
* Remove the notebooks from the repo (now at `s4cmb_notebooks <https://github.com/JulienPeloton/s4cmb_notebooks>`_).
* Add new routines to simulate differential pointing.
* Add new routines to define detectors gain.


* Include flat sky projection for the output maps.
* Include white noise simulator (time-domain noise).
* Include Dockerfile.

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