
Latest version: v4.0

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- Modify upgrade content provider to always mark the transaction as changed so
DDL is flushed in a commit. Again - this change got lost somewhere.



- Do not create multiple engines when our upgrade context provider is used
multiple times.



- Modify upgrade content provider to always mark the transaction as
changed so DDL is flushed in a commit.

- Make database URL used in DatabaseTestCase configurable via a new
``db_uri`` class variable.

- Abort transaction earlier during test breakdown so we do not try to
drop tables while another connection is open within a transaction.



- Update alembic 0.2.0 release which changed its API especially for us.



- Update DatabaseTestCase to abort any open transaction. This clears out all
open SQL connections.



- Setup an `alembic <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/alembic>`_ context
as part of the upgrade context.

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