
Latest version: v0.2.0

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- Added global `--no-sign-request` flag. API requests won't be signed and credentials won't be used if this option is provided. It is useful for accessing public buckets. ([285](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/285))


- If retryable errors are received during command execution, users now can see what's happening under the hood. ([261](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/pull/261))
- Update documentation about the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. ([275](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/pull/275)) [davebiffuk](https://github.com/davebiffuk)


- Fixed a bug where write-bit was required to upload a file. ([258](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/258))
- Fixed a bug where object could not be found if S3 key contains certain special characters. ([279](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/279)) [khacminh](https://github.com/khacminh)
- `s5cmd` exits with code `1` if given command is not found. It was `0` before. ([295](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/295))



- Statically link `s5cmd` in Docker image ([250](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/250))


- Fixed a bug where HeadBucket request fails during region information retrieval. ([251](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/251), [#252](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/252))


With this release, `s5cmd` automatically determines region information of destination buckets.


- Added global `--dry-run` option. It displays which command(s) will be executed without actually having a side effect. ([90](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/90))
- Added `--stat` option for `s5cmd` and it displays program execution statistics before the end of the program output. ([148](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/148))
- Added cross-region transfer support. Bucket regions are inferred, thus, supporting cross-region transfers and multiple regions in batch mode. ([155](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/155))


- Fixed incorrect MIME type inference for `cp`, give priority to file extension for type inference. ([214](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/214))
- Fixed error reporting issue, where some errors from the `ls` operation were not printed.


- Requests to different buckets not allowed in `rm` batch operation, i.e., throw an error.
- AWS S3 `RequestTimeTooSkewed` request error was not retryable before, it is now. ([205](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/205))
- For some operations errors were printed at the end of the program execution. Now, errors are displayed immediately after being detected. ([136](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/136))
- From now on, docker images will be published on Docker Hub. ([238](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/238))
- Changed misleading 'mirroring' examples in the help text of `cp`. ([213](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/213))


With this release, Windows is supported.

Breaking changes

- Dropped storage class short codes display from default behaviour of `ls` operation. Instead, use `-s` flag with `ls`
to see full names of the storage classes when listing objects.


- Added Server-side Encryption (SSE) support for mv/cp operations. It uses customer master keys (CMKs) managed by AWS Key Management Service. ([18](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/18))
- Added an option to show full form of [storage class](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/storage-classes/) when listing objects. ([#165](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/165))
- Add [access control lists (ACLs)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html)
support to enable managing access to buckets and objects. ([26](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/26))


- Fixed infinite repetition issue on mv/cp operations which would occur
if the destination matched the source wildcard. ([168](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/168))
- Fixed windows filepath issue, where backslashes should be treated as the path delimiter. ([178](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/178))
- All tests pass on windows, by converting and treating file paths to UNIX filepath format.
- Fixed a transfer issue where the object path contains particular regex metacharacters. ([111](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/pull/111)) [brendan-matroid](https://github.com/brendan-matroid)
- Correctly parse object paths that contain whitespaces in run-mode. ([111](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/pull/111)) [brendan-matroid](https://github.com/brendan-matroid)


- Retry when connection closed by S3 unexpectedly. ([189](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/pull/189)) [eminugurkenar](https://github.com/eminugurkenar)


This is a major release with many breaking changes.

Breaking changes

- Dropped `get` command. Users could get the same effect with `s5cmd cp <src> .`.
- Dropped `nested command` support.
- Dropped `!` command. It was used to execute shell commands and was used in
conjunction with nested commands.
- `s5cmd -f` and `s5cmd -f -` usage has changed to `s5cmd run`. `run` command
accepts a file. If not provided, it'll listen for commands from stdin.
- Exit code for errors was `127`. It is `1` now.
- Dropped `exit` command. It was used to change the shell exit code and usually
a part of the nested command usage.
- Dropped local->local copy and move support. ([118](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/118))
- All error messages are sent to stderr now.
- `-version` flag is changed to `version` command.
- Dropped `batch-rm` command. It was not listed in the help output. Now that we
support variadic arguments, users can remove multiple objects by providing
wildcards or multiple arguments to `s5cmd rm` command. ([106](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/pull/106))
- [Virtual host style bucket name
is enabled by default for S3 and GCS. If you provide a custom endpoint via
`--endpoint-url` flag (other than GCS and S3 transfer acceleration), `s5cmd`
will fall back to the `path-style`. ([92](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/pull/92))
- Listing a non-existent object will return exit code `1`, instead of `0`. ([23](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/23))
- `-ds`, `-dw`, `-us` and `-uw` global flags are no longer available. Multipart
concurrency and part size flags are now part of the `cp/mv` command. New
replacement flags are `--concurrency | -c` and `--part-size | -p`. ([110](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/pull/110))
- s5cmd `cp` command follows symbolic links by default (only when uploading to
s3 from local filesystem). Use `--no-follow-symlinks` flag to disable this
feature. ([17](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/17))
- Dropped `-parents` flag from copy command. Copy behaviour has changed to
preserve the directory hierarchy as a default. Optional `-flatten` flag is
added to flatten directory structure. ([107](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/107))
- Dropped `-vv` verbosity flag. `--log` flag is introduced.


- Added `mb` command to make buckets. ([25](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/25))
- Added `--json` flag for JSON logging. ([22](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/22))
- Added [S3 transfer acceleration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/transfer-acceleration.html) support. ([#40](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/40))
- Added [Google Cloud Storage](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd#google-cloud-storage-support) support. ([81](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/81))
- Added `cat` command to print remote object contents to stdout ([20](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/20))


- Correctly set `Content-Type` of a file on upload operations. ([33](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/33))
- Fixed a bug where workers are unable to consume job if there are too many
outstanding wildcard expansion requests. ([12](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/12), [#58](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/58))


- Pre-compiled binaries are provided on [releases page](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/releases) ([#21](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/21))
- AWS Go SDK is updated to support IAM role for service accounts. ([32](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/32))
- For copy/move operations, `s5cmd` now creates destination directory if missing.
- Increase the soft limit of open files to 1000 and exits immediately when it encounters `too many open files` error. ([52](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/issues/52))


- Use go modules.
- Update minimum required Go version to 1.13.

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