
Latest version: v0.44a0

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This version has all elements for the paper on learning


Requirements are now automatically installed when using



new version of the model on pypi with the option to simulate a second wave with 3 new optional arguments for simulate:

-sec 1000 -sect 167 -scsi random

where -sec means the number of newly infected agents during the second wave, -sect is the period of time at which this new infection happens, -scsi is the scenario which can be either initial (where the new infections happen in those districts where the initial infections happened (e.g. CBD), and random which is a scenario in which new infections occur randomly across the districts.


added sabcom estimate & sabcom sample functionality


- added period_to_become_infected to agent object
- used that to make 1 agent loop in runner. Infecting other agents now works via period_to_become_infected variable to make sure the state of agents does not change within the loop.
- changed truncated normal shocks so that it now draws a large sample only once. This makes the model much faster.

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