
Latest version: v3.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- BREAKING CHANGE (very unlikely, though): `push`/`put` now returns the
uid of the just added item. Before it always returned `None`.
- `push` has been renamed to `put`; `push` stays as an alias, but is
deprecated and will be removed in version 4.
- `pop` has been renamed to `get`; `pop` stays as an alias, but is
deprecated and will be removed in version 4.
- Increased version compatibility with to "<2.11".
- Python 3.4 support
- More tests. Introduced tox for testing.
- Added `serializer` parameter to support custom serializers,
e.g. for automatic JSON conversion. See README for details, especially
when using Python 3.



- SafeRedisQueue is now officially compatible with recent versions
(roughly speaking 2.7-2.10) of

For versions 2.4 and 2.6 please continue using the 1.x development

See README.rst for details on compatibility.



- Raise compatible version up to 2.6.x. Updated README with
compatibility details.



- The constructor now accepts a "url" keyword parameter that supports
typical redis URL a la "redis://[:password]localhost:6379/0". See
README for details.



- Changed dependency on redis to require at least version 2.4.10 as
redis.StrictRedis, which we use, was only introduced in that version.
This should not affect anyone negatively as you wouldn't have to be able
to use saferedisqueue at all if your project or package used an older
version so far.
(Thanks Telofy!)



- Released as open-source under 3-clause BSD license. Code identical to 0.3.0.

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