
Latest version: v3.2.8

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Removed the upper clause restriction for the packaging dependency


- Added support for coma separated ignore (--ignore=123,456) on top of existing --ignore=123 --ignore=456
- Added support for requirements per package. Safety can check, report, suggest, and apply remediations for unpinned requirements.
- Added support for unpinned requirements in the Safety GitHub action. This feature doesn't support old-version reports.
- Added support for HTML5 output and the ability to save the report as an HTML5 file.
- Started to use schema 2.0 of the PyUp vulnerability database.
- Fixed packaging dependency issue and their deprecation of LegacyVersion class.
- Narrowed down the allowed versions in the Safety dependencies.
- Added local announcements.
- This version makes changes in the JSON report, these aren't breaking changes, but these may need adjustment if you are ingesting the JSON report.
- Added ability to ignore unpinned requirements.


- Pinned packaging dependency to a compatible range.
- Pinned the CI actions to the runner image with Python 3.6 support.


- Removed LegacyVersion use; this fixes the issue with packaging 22.0.
- Fixed typos in the README.
- Added Python 3.11 to the classifiers in the setup.cfg.


- Fixed recursive requirements issue when an unpinned package is found.


- Fixed 423: Bare output includes extra line in non-screen output with no vulnerabilities.
- Fixed 422: ResourceWarning (unclosed socket) in safety v.2.3.1.
- Fixed telemetry data missing when the CLI mode is used.
- Fixed wrong database fetching when the KEY and the database arguments are used at the same time.
- Added `SAFETY_PURE_YAML` env var, used for cases that require pure Python in the YAML parser.

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