
Latest version: v3.1.3

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The flask-sqlalchemy version requirements have been frozen due to an incompatibility with >=3.0.0. A proper fix will be released in the next release but this will require a change in the safrs default "autocommit" functionality (i.e. objects are automatically committed upon initialization in safrs which doesn't always work with flask-sqlalchemy 3).


Fix for 127 (Flask-SQLAlchemy keyref error)


* apply page[limit] also to non-lazy relationships
* default to PK order_by if no `sort=` is specified
* fix missing mssql order_by/sort
* generate apilogicserver schema


Minor improvements:
* Use sqlalchemy `or_` as the default jsonapi filter strategy to combine distinct filters
* Cast mssql.DECIMAL to float (instead of str)


* use fstrings
* don't check HTTP Content-Type for HTTP DELETE (for axios)


Minor changes:
* Better support for composite keys / PKs not named "id"
* Pagination: add "total" count to meta, support larger `page[limit]`

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