
Latest version: v1.5.5

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Bug fixes and other changes

* add retries to all integ tests commands in buildspec-release.yml


Bug fixes and other changes

* fix account number for EI deployment test in buildspec-release.yml


Bug fixes and other changes

* remove unnecessary pytest marks
* add retries to remote integ tests in buildspec-release.yml
* update tests to except pytest's ExceptionInfo object
* parametrize Python version and processor type in integ tests


Bug fixes and other changes

* fix account number in deployment test command


Bug fixes and other changes

* remove nonexistent EI GPU images from buildspec-release.yml


Bug fixes and other changes

* add release buildspec
* Fix SageMaker integration tests
* skip GPU test in regions with limited p2s or p3s
* Add link to SageMaker integ test setup requirements to README
* Add SageMaker Elastic Inference test

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