
Latest version: v4.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* update smdebug
* update container build instructions with correct tar file name
* Switch to pypi gluonnlp package

Testing and Release Infrastructure

* refactor toolkit tests.


Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* install sm experiments on any python version 3.5 or above


Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Update smdebug to 0.7.0
* move experiments import statements after python version check
* install experiments sdk only for python 3.6
* install SageMaker Python SDK into Python 3 images
* Upgrade to latest version of sagemaker-experiments


Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* copy all tests to test-toolkit folder.
* Fix issue in installation of sagemaker-containers


Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* update: Update license URL


Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* update: Horovod Support with MXNet backend on DLC for MXNet 1.6.0

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