
Latest version: v2.8.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* install sm experiments always when python 3.6 or greater


Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Update smdebug to 0.7.0
* install sagemaker-experiments package only for 3.6


Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* upgrade to latest sagemaker-experiments
* install SageMaker Python SDK into Python 3 images


Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Install awscli from pypi instead of conda for PyTorch containers



* Remove unnecessary dependencies.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Fix python 2 tox dependencies.
* copy all tests to test-toolkit folder.
* Update license URL
* Adding changes for PyTorch 1.4.0 DLC



* Add release to PyPI. Change package name to sagemaker-pytorch-training.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Fix flake8 erros. Add flake configuration to run during PR.
* Add twine section to tox.
* Update build artifacts
* update: Bump awscli version and constrain spyder on conda
* update: bump smdebug version to 0.5.0.post0
* Create
* run local GPU tests for Python 3
* update: Update buildspec for PyTorch 1.3.1
* update copyright year in license header
* Added changes for DLC 2.1 with PyTorch v1.3.1
* Remove stale-bot config
* upgrade sagemaker-containers to 2.5.11
* upgrade pillow to 6.2.0
* use SageMaker Containers' ProcessRunner for executing the entry point
* use regional endpoint for STS in builds
* update instance type region availability.
* Update Dockerfile.gpu
* Removing extra packages to optimize space
* Adding function to skip test for py2 verison
* Installing tochvision from official pip wheel
* Add /bin/bash as default CMD
* Pytorch 1.2 py2 py3 dockerfiles added
* Add wait on entrypoint
* Add entrypoint script
* split training and serving logic

Testing and Release Infrastructure

* properly fail build if has-matching-changes fails
* properly fail build if has-matching-changes fails

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