
Latest version: v0.11.16

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- faster coco dataset indexing (53)
- category remapping feature for coco datasets (53)
- fix export_as_yolov5 paths (52)


- make some dependencies optional
- fix some coco utils


- add new coco utils. check []( for example usages.
- add [slicing notebook](
- fix some mmdet/numpy warnings.


- add new coco utils ( check [here]( for example usages.


- refactorized [Coco class](, added [CocoVid class](

- added []( script:

python scripts/ results.json output/folder/directory --ann coco/annotation/path

will calculate coco error plots and export them to given output folder directory.

If you want to specify mAP result type, set it as `--types bbox mask`.

If you want to export extra mAP bar plots and annotation area stats add `--extraplots` argument.

If you want to specify area regions, set it as `--areas 1024 9216 10000000000`.


* fix a sliced prediction bug happening on small images

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