
Latest version: v0.53.0

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- Refactor transaction history parsing because of multiple bugs
- Cleaner connections removal

The installation of this version will purge your Transaction history, only UD will be displayed. To fix it, remove your connection and add it back, like below



- Export revocation and identity when registering
- Fix bug with tx history : please remove your connections to refresh your history correctly
- Fix crash when exporting revocation document file on ubuntu 16.10


- Fix crash when searching identity
- Fix crash when adding a connection by its pubkey


Bugfix release :

- Fix bug when connecting on a new member
- Fix user information window size
- Fix display of transactions
- Display connections as their contact name if available
- Fix license text to money license


- Fix no node selected as "synchronized" on fresh clients


- Fix missing files of version 0.31.0

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