
Latest version: v24.0.13

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The animation part of salabim has been redesigned, to make it more
reliable and easier to access.
Animation is not initialized with Animation() any more. Instead, the animation
(and creation of a tkinter canvas in case of CPython) is now started by the
run function.
Therefore, the run function has now a number of additional parameters to set
the size of the canvas, define scaling and transformation, etc.

An animation object is now a class. One of the attributes is the environment
where it belongs to. There are three classes defined:
If you don't need animation, PIL does not need to be imported any more.

Also, the run function now supports the creation of an .mp4 video.
For video production, numpy and cv2 (opencv) are required.
This feature is not supported on Pythonista.

The animation_speed can now be get/set by calling animation_speed().

A number of function have been renamed to be more in line with Python naming
(like isinstance):
is_passive -> ispassive
is_current -> iscurrent
is_scheduled -> isscheduled
is_standby -> isstandby
is_data -> isdata

Bug when in a call to Animate() t0 was specified fixed.


Iteration of components in a queue is completely reimplemented.
Instead of the function components, iteration is now done the Pythonic way, like
for comp in myqueue:
Also, the algorithm now allows for very fast iteration even if components are leaving the queue
during the iteration. If there is a change (enter or leave or change of order) during the iteration, the iteration is guaranteed to deliver all components in the queue after the change correctly.
Therefore, there is no need for specification of static and/or removals_possible as in the out phased
components function.

It is also possible to traverse a queue from tail to head, by using reversed as in:
for comp in reversed(myqueue):
This is also a generator where updates are possible during the iteration.

If you want to get a specific element in a queue, this can be now achieved with
comp=myqueue[1] to access the second element in the queue.
So, therefore
myqueue[0] is equivalent to q.head
myqueue[-1] is equivalent to q.tail
Nevertheless head and tail are still supported, to be more in line with Tomas/Must terminology.
The function Queue.component_with_index has been phased-out.

Slicing of queues is now supported. So
for c in myqueue[1:3]:
will print the names of the second and third element of the queue (provided they are available).
for c in myqueue[::-1]:
will list the contents of myqueue, in reverse order. In contrast with the above mentioned reversed() this
is just a static snapshot.

If a static snapshot of the queue contents is required, use
now. In contrast to previous versions of salabim, this is not faster than the standard iteration.

The functions Queue.contains(c) and Component.is_in_queue(q) have been phased out. Instead salabim
now support the much more legible and Pythonic in construction, for example
if comp in myqueue:
if comp not in queue:

The length of a queue can be found with len(q). The old style Queue.length is still available.

Automatic numbering of components, queues, resources and environments now starts with 0 (in contrast to 1 in previous versions). This is done to be more in line with Python.

All sample models are updated to accommodate the above changes.

Bug fixed: Changing a priority with set_priority, did affect the queue statistics. Now works as intended.

Bug fixed: The parameter use_toplevel in Animation() works as intended.


The following names have been changed:
SalabimComponent Component
SalabimQueue Queue
SalabimEnvironment Environment
SalabimResource Resource
salabim_random random
reset_env (method) reset
Distribution_from_string Distribution

The global function reset_env() (not the method of Environment) has been
phased out. Use default_env.reset() instead.

The default process to be executed when creating a component is now called
process, instead of action.
The proc argument of activate has been changed to process.
The proc argument of reschedule has been changed to process.

It is highly recommended to use the pythonistic
import salabim
import salabim as sim
instead of
from salabim import *
In all examples, we now use
import salabim as sim
If you use the latter form, all salabim items have to be preceeded by sim. ,
like sim.Component, sim.Resource, env.main, sim.passive,, sim.inf.
If you want to use a salabim item without prefixing, use something like
from salabim import inf,main
along with
import salabim as sim

In order to avoid having to specifiy sim.passive, sim.scheduled, etc.
when importing as recommended, a number of new properties are introduced:
is_passive (equivalent to status=sim.passive)
is_current (eqivalent to status==sim.current)
is_scheduled (equivalent to status==sim.scheduled)
is_standby (equivalent to status==sim.standby)
is_data (equivalent to

Technical note: The test routines, which were present in the salabim source,
are now in a separate module, called

Style note: the name salabim is now all lowercase, to be more Pythonistic.

The utility program translates existing version 0 models into
the new version 1 style.
The program translates *ALL* version 0 programs in the current directory,
adding a 1 to the name, e.g. will be translated to
Please note, that the translation is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate,
and some fine tuning might be necessary.

All sample models are updated accordingly.


Salabim animations can now work in parallel with other modules using tkinter,
like If so, set the parameter use_toplevel to True.
If a user would like to start its own tkinter window(s) next to salabim's
window (initialized with tkiniter.Tk(), just use root=tkinter.Toplevel()
instead of root=tkinter.Tk()


Bug when using Salabim without animation fixed.


Improved way of animating circles. Also, now support for offset (most useful in combination with angle).
Better support for transparency(alpha blending) for fill and line colors.

Bugs fixed.

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