
Latest version: v2.10.1

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- Fix items number in cart based on total sum of quantities - 286 by bogdandjukic
- Add new styles for inputs and labels - 311 by AlicjaSzu
- Create custom Select component and add it to ShippingAddress form - 312 by AlicjaSzu
- Add data to homepage and product detail page - 316 by koradon
- Add link for creating account for anonymous users - 317 by mateuszkula
- Add react-alert library = 320 by AlicjaSzu
- CreditCard component refactor = 323 by AlicjaSzu
- Move App component to seperate module = 327 by AlicjaSzu
- Update Footer, Breadcrumbs and Table styles = 332 by AlicjaSzu


- Fix image caching - 271 by timuric
- Fix images cors - 288 by piotrgrundas


- Add stock quantity check without checkout in cart page - 254 by piotrgrundas
- Add ability to chose payment method, add dummy payment method, improve error handling on checkout shipping address update - 255 by piotrgrundas
- Add order details page - 262 by piotrgrundas
- Add order confirmation page - 263 by piotrgrundas
- Fix checkout composition - 264 by piotrgrundas
- Add ability to select user stored addresses, update copying shipping address to billing - 265 by piotrgrundas
- Fix rendering order statuses and order line prices - 281 by maarcingebala


- Handle quantity API errors in cart - 199 by piotrgrundas
- Fix sticky footer, adjust cart overlay to the mockups, fix error if no shipping method found - 205 by piotrgrundas
- Disable ability to continue to the billing step without shipement chosen - 211 by piotrgrundas
- Set max width of images in product description as 100% - 220 by jxltom
- Move checkout to a separate module, create checkout after user provides a valid email - 223 by piotrgrundas
- Update checkout review page styles - 239 by piotrgrundas
- Add syncing checkout after user logs in - 243 by piotrgrundas
- Create checkout for logged in users without checkout upon adding to cart - 250 by piotrgrundas


- Hide filters and sorting when there are no search results; add trending products to empty search and categories pages - 165 by piotrgrundas
- Add fetching menus from API - 170 by piotrgrundas
- Add "Add to cart" indicator - 173 by piotrgrundas
- Fix product page tablet view - 181 by piotrgrundas
- Add collection view, fix cursor pagination for categories, update storefront to use new thumbnail structure - 178 by piotrgrundas
- Minor UX improvements - 182 by piotrgrundas
- Fix product titles breaking the homepage carousel - 184 by piotrgrundas
- Fix resolving URLs that include numbers - 185 by piotrgrundas
- Add OpenGraph and Meta tags - 191 by piotrgrundas
- Add `tslint` check on CI; add the ability to change cart quantity - 194 by piotrgrundas
- Update placeholder for missing image - 198 by piotrgrundas


All notable, unreleased changes to this project will be documented in this file. For the released changes, please visit the [Releases]( page.


- Invoices backend - 5732 by tomaszszymanski129
Breaking Changes

- Refactor JWT support - These changes could require a handling JWT token in the storefront. Storefront needs to handle a case when the backend returns the exception about the invalid token. - 5734, 5816 by korycins
- New logging setup will now output JSON logs in production mode for ease of feeding them into log collection systems like Logstash or CloudWatch Logs - 5699 by patrys


- Add our implementation of UUID scalar - 5646 by koradon
- Add AppTokenVerify mutation - 5716 by korycins
- Fix specific product voucher in draft orders - 5727 by fowczarek
- Add products csv export - 5255 by IKarbowiak
- Explicit country assignment in default shipping zones - 5736 by maarcingebala
- Drop `json_content` field from the `Menu` model - 5761 by maarcingebala
- Strip warehouse name in mutations - 5766 by koradon
- Add missing OrderEvents during checkout flow - 5684 by koradon
- Update google merchant to get tax rate based by plugin manager - 5823 by gabmartinez

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