
Latest version: v0.6.0

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v0.4.7, 2012-03-11 -- Improve warning with style and domain names.
v0.4.6, 2012-02-26 -- Put notification about needed cookies instead of showing donation form when cookies are disabled.
v0.4.5, 2012-01-05 -- Fix form in widget cookie settings and remove trailing .00 from suggested donation amounts.
v0.4.4, 2012-01-04 -- If, for some reason, the csrftoken cookie is unavailable, show link to default payment form.
v0.4.3, 2012-01-03 -- Very hot fix: no longer remove non-digits from suggestion javscript.
v0.4.2, 2012-01-03 -- Allow for . in amount urls + include static files in package setup.
v0.4.1, 2012-01-03 -- Fix suggestion delete view.
v0.4.0, 2012-01-03 -- Donation suggestions support and new widgets.
v0.3.0, 2011-12-22 -- Rename tables. DB-unsafe if app already in use! Only used on one site.
v0.2.0, 2011-12-22 -- App now configurable in database. New administration pages and sample widgets.
v0.1.1, 2011-12-14 -- Make donation form translatable, and add norwegian bokmål translation.
v0.1.0, 2011-12-14 -- Initial release. Working with nets tests setup.



Has known vulnerabilities

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