
Latest version: v0.29.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Released on August 20th, 2024.

- Fixed Bad Request error in the object form after more than 15 minutes without submitting the form
- Fixed sorting of instrument log entries



Released on August 19th, 2024.

- Fixed simple search query escaping to support searching for special characters
- Fixed handling of property named tags that contains an array or an object instead of tags
- Fixed indentation level styling
- Added support for flexible metadata in .eln imports



Released on July 9th, 2024.

- Fixed collapse/expand button symbol for ``expandable`` or ``collapsible`` style objects in arrays
- Fixed instrument log performance issues
- Fixed sending of notifications when creating instrument log entries via HTTP API
- Fixed editing of choice style array dropdowns
- Fixed including image files with uppercase file extensions in PDF export



Released on June 18th, 2024.

- Fixed use of timezones for ``date`` style ``datetime`` properties
- Fixed validation of ORCID iDs



Released on June 13th, 2024.

- Fixed search via API in combination with name_only parameter
- Fixed search for datetime attributes not being timezone-aware
- Added ``timeline`` array style for arrays of objects with a ``datetime`` property
- Added search to text fields with more than 10 choices (configurable with ``SAMPLEDB_MIN_NUM_TEXT_CHOICES_FOR_SEARCH``)
- Added support for ``"first"`` and ``"last"`` statistic for timeseries
- Added basic and project groups to the HTTP API
- Allow using dicts for the ``style`` attribute
- Added support for ``"include"`` style for object reference properties
- Allow referenced objects in search queries
- Improved .eln export
- Added support for file references as display properties
- Allow configuring multiple workflow views
- Add support for ``sorting_properties`` for workflow views
- Allow revoking group invitations
- Added ``date`` and ``time`` styles for datetime values
- Added support for additional preview images for files uploaded via HTTP API
- Added ``expandable``, ``collapsible`` and ``horizontal`` object styles



Released on March 18th, 2024.

- Added ``choice`` array style for multi selection dropdowns
- Introduce action topics and allow filtering action lists by topics
- Added new array index diff syntax for updating data via the HTTP API
- Added creation of activity log entries during import of objects from other databases
- Added initial support for custom templates

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