
Latest version: v1.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 688409 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Bug fixes
- code refactored and optimized


- `isUUID` function added
- `getYearDiff` bug fixed
- Test cases and test coverage improved
- read_file function improved
- Bug fixes


- `LuhnAlgorithm` bug fixed


- File validator added
- More functions for password, String, and number validation added
- Credit card validation added
- Code optimized and refactored
- Test cases and test coverage improved
- Documentation updated
- Regex pattern moved from code to config file
- Validator class deprecated, use the Sanatio class instead. It will remove in the next release.
- Bug fixes

Second Release Version 1.1.0 - 2-June-2024

- Added new functionality:
- Function added to check if a given EAN-13 barcode is valid or not
- Array validation multiple functions added

- Documentation added
- Code refactored and code quality improved
- Test cases and test coverage added
- Bug fixes
- Validator class deprecated, use the Sanatio class instead, which is a more appropriate name for the package.

First Release Version 1.0.0 - 31-May-2024

- Initial release of the project with basic functionality





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