
Latest version: v1.0.40

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New Features

SANDY officially switches from branch-oriented development to release-oriented development!

Historically the development of SANDY was implemented on two major branches: `master` and `develop`.
- The `master` branch is a legacy version with the original goal of producing perturbed nuclear data files using the command line interface (CLI).
- The `develop` branch sets its target to produce the perturbed nuclear data files using a API (with an extensive interface to [`pandas`]( rather than the CLI.

In parallel, the code was completely restructured from functional programming to OOP (object-oriented programming) to:
- provide users and developers more flexibility;
- implement unit testing;
- improve code clarity, readibility and maintainability.

The development of the API also extended the purpose of the code from merely producing perturbed nuclear data files to four development blocks:
- interface to nuclear data files in ENDF-6 format;
- interface to the nuclear data processing tool NJOY;
- interface to MCNP output files mctal and mshtal;
- interface to ALEPH-2 output files.

Restructuring the code brought more (reliable/unit tested) features, however, the correct run of some of the key code production processes — the sample generation pipeline — cannot be guaranteed anymore (for this, we suggest using release [sandy-master]( This drawback, as well as a more streamlined code installation in both Linux and Windows without fortran dependencies, will be tackled in the next release [1.0](



Major release of the `master` branch of sandy.
No significant changes were implemented since 2019.

This release is intended to be the reference for nuclear data sampling for:
- nubar (MF=31)
- cross sections (MF=33)
- angular distributions (MF=34)
- energy distributions (MF=35)

The master branch of sandy was specifically developed for the generation of perturbed ENDF-6 nuclear data files from the CLI (command line interface).
For analyses that go beyond the original purpose of the branch, please use the `develop` branch.



Has known vulnerabilities

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