
Latest version: v2.3.3.post1

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- Swapped `jinja2` for `sanic-jinja2`
- Linting cleanup and doc work
- Fixed a typo preventing proper loading of `BESKAR_RBAC_POLICY`
- Additional coverage and unit testing


- Moved to Sanic from Flask
- Added async/await support
- Added OTP
- Added QR Code generation for OTP
- Updated all the docs
- Added a metric f*ton of docstrings
- Added RBAC support
- Provided updated and current examples


- Replaced freezegun dependency with plummet
- Decorators can read tokens from cookies


- Dropped support for Python 3.5
- Updated pyjwt dependency to 2.0


- Added 2-factor email token registration and password reset
- Added function hooks at token encoding time
- Migrated to github actions away from travis-ci
- Added support for tokens in cookies
- Added MongoDB example
- Added auth_accepted decorator for optional auth support
- Updated documentation


- Upgraded flask dependency to > 1.0
- Moved tutorial to
- Added email registration feature
- Added code of conduct and contributing guide
- Added support for verify_and_update

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